Omnicure series 1000 manual
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The OmniCure® R2000 Radiometer enables you to measure the irradiance from the OmniCure® S1000 and, when necessary, adjust the manual iris to compensate for any.UV/ Visible Spot Curing System The OmniCure® S1000 Provides Excellent Ideal for manual or semi-automated processes, this system contains many features OmniCure® and Intelli-Lamp® are trademarks of Excelitas Technologies Inc. All other product names are trademarks of their respective owners. Page 3. User Guide. 2. WHAT'S NEW IN UV CURING. S SERIES Liquid Fill, 2 X 3mm X 1000mm, UVC Series. 805-00031 By adapting the output to support. Ideal for manual applications, this system contains many features previously found only in higher priced curing systems. Easy to Use. Finger touch controls, a OmniCure S1000 Omnicure S series Systems The OmniCure® S1000 is the building Spot Curing System that is ideal for manual UV adhesive curing applications. For decades, leading manufacturers have been using OmniCure for its innovative, simple-to-use and reliable UV curing technology in adhesives, coatings and Ideal for manual applications, this system contains many features previ- ously found only in higher priced curing systems. Page 2. PrecisionTechnology. Light
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